Saturday, July 30, 2011

3 D Sonogram

We were able to get our 3D sonogram last night. We had originally tried a few days ago but Maya was not cooperating at all. She was facing my back and fell completely asleep during the sono. We tried again last night and she cooperated a little bit more. When we first saw the 3D turn on and show us our little baby, we were both in awe. She looked so cute. She loves to cover her face with her arms and we watched her play with her feet. The pictures aren't as clear as we would have liked but I'm glad we were able to experience it anyways. We were so amazed at how much more you see with the 3D but its funny how all babies sort of look the same too. We think she may have my mom's lips but Terrance's nose. A few more weeks and we'll know for sure. I can't wait to meet her!


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